Monday, October 6, 2008

My Coupon Organizer

I have recently become interested in the exciting world of collecting coupons. I have dabbled in collecting numerous times, but this time I am serious. After two Sunday newspapers, I had more coupons than I knew what to do with! I had to figure out something to keep my collection in. I do not like to buy anything that I know I can make. I looked on several people's blogs and gleaned some ideas. I bought my SIL a plastic coupon organizer for her birthday a few weeks ago from Wal-mart, so I used that basic idea to create my organizer. I first took a expanding file folder and cut down the sides and front. I then folded the back over the front of the folder to create a flap. I then covered the organizer with scrapbook paper and made it my own creation. I also added velcro as a closure.

This is the front of my coupon organizer. I think its cute and functional, even if I did make it myself.

This is the back.This is the inside.I got the idea from Money Saving Mom to use envelopes as sleeves for the categories. I folded the flap inside the envelope and stapled an index card inside and labeled the categories that I needed.

1 comment:

DixieRedHead said...

great job!Pretty and functional! What could be better than that!