Friday, October 24, 2008

In My Mailbox Today 10/24/08

This is what I received in the mail today (yea), plus some bills (yuck).Degree sample from Sam's club, Brilliant Brunette Shampoo and Conditioner from PG, and the coupon was with the shampoo.

This is the kind of mail I like to get.

Another CVS Purchase 10/24/08

I was in CVS today picking up a script for DH and decided to make another quick CVS purchase before this week's sale was over.

1 Listerine Whitening Pen $9.99 ($3 coupon) (receive 3 ECBs)

1 Listerine Whitening Rinse $5.49 ($1 coupon) (receive 2 ECBs)

2 Pert Shampoos $3.99 each (2 $2 coupons) (receive $5 ECBS with Sure Deo)

1 Sure Deo $2.99 ($1 coupon)

Total: $26.45

- $5/$25 CVS Coupon

-$9 MF Coupons

-$11.68 ECBs

$0.77 + $0.78 tax= $1.55 OOP

Received $12 in ECBs

I do not think this was a bad purchase since all the items that were in my plan were still there this late in the week. Unfortunately, a very uninformed manager was checking out at the register. He has already given my SIL flack on a couple of occasions. I handed him 2 Pert coupons. He told me I could only one coupon, "One coupon per purchase." I kindly informed him that I bought 2 Perts. That means I can use 2 coupons. It worked. Imagine that. I wish store employees could learn their store's coupon policies, especially the management.

Monday, October 20, 2008

In My Mailbox Today 10/20/08

This is what I got in the mail today:
Stride Gum, Benefiber Sample, Fiber One cereal sample, Fiber One bar, and Fiber One coupons.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

CVS Haul 10/19/08

CVS shopping went wonderful this morning. My local CVS opens at 10:00 a.m., and the workers did not show up until about 15 minutes after 10:00 a.m. to open up. Nevertheless, I had the best shop at this store ever. They actually had everything on my list. Here goes the first transaction:

  • 1 Butlers 2 pack toothbrush $3.99 ($3.99 ECBs)

  • 1 Candy Corn $1.29 ($1.29 ECBs)

  • 1 Autumn Mix $1.29 ($1.29 ECBs)

  • 2 Always Infinity $9.98- $4 in coupons ($2.00 ECBs)

  • 1 Listerine Agent Blue $4.49- $0.50 coupon ($3 ECBs)

  • 2 Pumpkin Pails $1.98 ($1.98 ECBs)

  • 1 Bic Soleil Razor $1.99 raincheck- $2.00 coupon

  • 2 CVS bar soap $1.98 ($1.98 ECBs)

Total: $26.99

- $5/$25 CVS Coupon

-$6.49 MF coupons

-14.99 ECBs

Subtotal: $0.51

Tax: $0.56

OOP: $1.07 and received $15.55 ECBs

Here is my second transactions. I had an alternate to the first in case something was missing, but I found all items in both plans. This is the first time I have done 2 transactions in one visit.

  • 1 Mylanta Max liquid $6.00- $1.50 coupon (Buy two get $5 EBCs)
  • 1 Tylenol Rapid Release $6.00- $2 coupon (Buy two get $5 EBCs)
  • 1 32 ounce Powerade $1.69 ($1.69 ECBs)
  • 1 Touch of Gray $7.99- $2 coupon ($7.99 ECBs)
  • 1 Hershey's Candy Bar $0.50- I picked this up to bring my total up so I could use all of my previous ECBs.
  • 1 Oral-B Dental Floss picks $3.99 ($2.00 ECBs)

Total: $26.17

-$5/$25 CVS coupon

-$5.50 MF coupons

-15.55 ECBs

Subtotal: $0.12

Total including 8% sales tax: $0.57

Received $16.68 ECBs

I also received 2 more $5/$25 coupons today, one on each transaction.

Total for both transactions: $53.16 all for $1.64 OOP

What FUN!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

CVS Plan for Tomorrow

This is my proposed plan for my CVS shop tomorrow. My CVS store usually is out of something on my list, so things may change once I get to the store.

Transaction 1:
2 Pumpkin Pails $1.98 (1.98 ECBs)
2 Candy Corns $2.58 ($2.58 ECBs)
2 Funlights $1.98 ($1.98 ECBs)
1 Butler Toothbrush 2 pack $3.99 ($3.99 ECB)
2 Always Infinity Pads $9.98 - (2) $2 coupons (2 ECBs)
1 Listerine Agent Cool Blue $4.49 - $0.50 coupon (3 ECBs)

Total: $25.00
-$5/$25 CVS coupon
-$4.50 MF Coupons
-$14.99 ECBs
Equals= $0.55 OOP (includes 8% sales tax)

Get back $15.53 ECBs

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

In My Mailbox Today 10/14/08

Today, I received these Yogi Teas samples and coupon in the mail.

I promise, I only spent $1!!!!

This is my CVS haul yesterday. I only spent $1 OOP. My husband did not believe me at first, but after seeing the result he was a believer. This is my best shop ever! I was quite excited.

Swiffer Starter Kit $7.99

Swiffer Duster Starter Kit $6.99

Well Patch $5.99

Puffs tissues $0.99

Palmolive dish detergent $0.99

Colagte toothpaste $3.49

Total: $26.44

-$5/$20 coupon

-Buy Swiffer Starter kit get duster kit free- $6.99

-$0.25 Puffs coupon

-$0.25 Palmolive coupon

-$1.50 coupon

-approx. 12 ECB's

plus tax= $1.00

I do not have my receipt in front of me, but I definetly remember my total. Earned $12.99 in ECB's.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

In My Mailbox Today 10/07/08

Another surprise in my mailbox today! A Simple Harvest bar with a $1 off coupon for me and a Greene's dog treat for my Molly. I love freebies!

Krispy Kreme

I went out of town today for a meeting in Tuscaloosa for work. I could not resist stopping at Krispy Kreme. I have been thinking about KK ever since I saw the Halloween doughnuts in last Sunday's paper. I bought a dozen assorted doughnuts. I included a few pics of one of my biggest weaknesses. Isn't the pumpkin so cute? Also note the footballs. I bought these for my husband, Mr. B. For those of you who don't know, Tuscaloosa is the home of the University of Alabama. Roll Tide! I bet these are big sellers on gameday.

Monday, October 6, 2008

In My Mailbox Today 10/06/08

As you know, I have recently started saving coupons and shopping at CVS. I have also been signing up for freebies like crazy. Here are the samples I got today. Both are from the Walmart website.

My Coupon Organizer

I have recently become interested in the exciting world of collecting coupons. I have dabbled in collecting numerous times, but this time I am serious. After two Sunday newspapers, I had more coupons than I knew what to do with! I had to figure out something to keep my collection in. I do not like to buy anything that I know I can make. I looked on several people's blogs and gleaned some ideas. I bought my SIL a plastic coupon organizer for her birthday a few weeks ago from Wal-mart, so I used that basic idea to create my organizer. I first took a expanding file folder and cut down the sides and front. I then folded the back over the front of the folder to create a flap. I then covered the organizer with scrapbook paper and made it my own creation. I also added velcro as a closure.

This is the front of my coupon organizer. I think its cute and functional, even if I did make it myself.

This is the back.This is the inside.I got the idea from Money Saving Mom to use envelopes as sleeves for the categories. I folded the flap inside the envelope and stapled an index card inside and labeled the categories that I needed.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Mule Day 2008

Mule Day is festival in my home town of Winfield, AL. I'm sure many things come to your mind when you think about this event. I have only missed one Mule Day in my entire life, all 26 years of it. It may not seem like a big deal, but to small town like Winfield it is a very big deal. It is also a tradition for many people. It was started in 1981 and has grown every year since. Winfield is a town of about 5000 people. On Mule Day weekend, about 30,000 visit Winfield. There is a parade at 11:00 am on main street on Saturday morning. Yes, it has mules, but also floats, bands, tractor, Civil war soliders, etc. There are art & crafts, a flea market area, food for every taste, and rides for children. The Winfield website has additional information.

Here is a pic from last year. I will put some new pics up after Saturday.
If you are in the area or have a free day, it is definitely worth the drive. Maybe you'll even see me there.
Dates: Friday Night 09/26 and Saturday 09/27

Reverse Applique Baby Quilt

I know I haven't posted in quite a while, but life often gets in the way of things I'd rather be doing. Last night, I finished this reverse applique baby quilt. I made this for a baby shower I'm going to Sunday afternoon. I used 12 recycled t-shirts. The only thing that is not recycled is the thread. I took a little help from my embroidery machine to create each flower, but the principle is the same as the quilt in the Alabama Stitch book. I knew that I did not have the time to embroider every flower by hand. Maybe next time I will.

The quilt measures 30 X 40. It is actually much prettier in person. It is also heavier than I expected. At least I know that it is the only gift there won't be two of at the shower. Here is a close-up of one of the squares.
I have plans for another quilt in the near future for another shower, probably next month. I am often suprised by how many people don't understand the things I make. I think a quilt is pretty straight forward, but I think I will keep it to myself , and you all, that it is a recycled project. I am not sure how the more traditonal gift giving ladies would feel about the fact it is made from "used" material. Any way, I think it pretty and very unique.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Over the weekend...

Over the weekend my parents came up for a visit and we all went over to Cullman county on Sunday afternoon. We visited Clarkson covered bridge. It is the only covered bridge in Cullman county. I have visited the site several times, but this was the first time for my parents. My mother is a huge history/genealogy buff. She and my father seemed to really enjoy the trip.

The road does not travel through the bridge anymore. It is only only open to foot traffic.]

Below is a picture of an old mill in the park. The park also included several picnic tables that sit on the edge of a nice creek.

This is an old cabin in the park. It is a really neat building. It has a dog-trot through the middle. The building now houses the ever important indoor plumbing and drink machine. Here is a link if you are interested in more history about the bridge:

We also visited Water Valley Flea Market. Here are a few of my finds: several vintage linens that I plan to use a insets for aprons, 4 snuff glasses, a glass juicer, and Wilton dog cake pan. I am a sucker for dogs. Isn't he cute.

I also made some laundry detergent. This is the first laundry detergent that I made independently, but it turned out very good. My sister-in-law help me make it the first time. She has been doing it for quite sometime now. We both use it in our front loading washers, and it works just fine. It is also CHEAP to make!

You need the following:

Hot Water

1/2 cup washing soda

1/2 cup borax

1/3 bar soap (grated) I used Zote. It make a pretty pink detergent.

1. In a large pot, heat 3 pints of water and dissolve grated soap. Do not let the solution boil.

2. Add washing soda and Borax, stirring constantly. Dissolve powder and remove from heat.

3. Pour solution into a 2 gallon bucket and add 1 quart hot water. Fill bucket the rest of the way and stir well. Use 1/2 cup per load. Shake before each use.

I use vinegar as fabric softener, and it works great. No vinegar smell is left behind. As you can see, I reuse milk jugs and a soda bottle with the bottom cut off for a funnel. Yields 2 gallons.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Fresh Zucchini Bread

Tonight, I made fresh zucchini bread from some zucchinis that came from my sister-in-law's garden. I made five mini loaves and one large loaf from the below recipe.
3 eggs
1 cup olive oil
2 cups sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 cups coarsely grated zucchini
1 can (8oz) crushed pineapple, drained
3 cups all purpose flour*
2 teaspoons baking soda*
1 teaspoon salt*
1/2 teaspoon baking powder*
1 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
3/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1 cup chopped walnuts- optional
1 cup raisins- optional
*I used self-rising flour in place of the starred items.
Instead of cinnamon and nutmeg, I used pumpkin pie spice. It was very tasty.

1 Preheat oven to 350°F. Beat eggs. Add oil, sugar, and vanilla; continue beating mixture until thick and foamy. Stir in the zucchini and pineapple.
2 In a separate bowl, combine flour, baking soda, salt, baking powder, cinnamon, and nutmeg. A third at a time, add dry ingredients into wet and gently stir after each addition. Add the walnuts and raisins, blend gently.
3 Divide the batter equally between 2 greased and flour-dusted 5 by 9 inch loaf pans. Bake for 1 hour or until a wooden pick inserted in to the center comes out clean. Cool in pans for 10 minutes. Turn out onto wire racks to cool thoroughly.
I used 5 mini loaf pans and a larger loaf pan. I really had enough batter to make 7 mini loaves, but I only had five pans. I cooked the bread for less than one hour, since the pans were smaller.
Everytime I make zucchini bread, I think about one of my beloved aunts. She always had various breads frozen. She would often give you a loaf on a visit. Zucchini is one of the kinds she always kept in her freezer. In fact, her zucchini bread was the first I ever ate. I have been hooked ever since.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

A Fruitful Weekend

This was a very fruitful weekend, or sould I say "vegetable".
This picture shows my first ripe, large tomatoes. I have had several tommy toe tomatoes, but they are not the same as my pink-skinned German Tomatoes.

Not only did I have tomatoes, but also squash and peppers. Not pictured are the 7 gallons of peas that were picked, 2 gallons of green beans, and enough cucumbers to make a half gallon of dill pickles.

I also picked 1/2 gallon of wild blackberries. I then boiled them and made 8 cups of juice. I intend on making jelly and freezing some for pies this winter.
I just love the summer!

Sunday, July 6, 2008


My first entry ever! How exciting! No time like the present-I think the title is fitting. I have been wanting to start my blog for quite sometime, but I have been letting the process of choosing the perfect title stand in my way. Well no more waiting. There truly is no time like the present. Carpe diem!